Beautification Committee
This committee controls plantings in areas throughout our community (including the main entrances), festive holiday decorations on our signs and post office, semi-annual roadside cleanups, and maintenance of the various entrances to Waccabuc.
Land Preservation Committee
A priority for the Council is preserving the rural character of Waccabuc. WLC monitors land development in and around Waccabuc and participates in land use policy discussions with Lewisboro town boards.
Mead Memorial Chapel Community Events Committee
Along with other community organizations, WLC sponsors various cultural events at Mead Memorial Chapel (a privately owned, non-denominational chapel, built by the Mead family in 1905).
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee personally welcomes all new Waccabuc residents and maintains WLC’s membership roster and website.
Newsletter Committee
Responsible for producing The Waccabuc Report, the semi-annual WLC publication informing members of Council activities and community news.
Post Office Committee
One of the primary functions of the Waccabuc Landowners Council is one we sometimes fail to think about, which is to help keep our post office the focal point of our community. Back in the early 1970s, the Postal Service wanted to close our post office and transfer all of its functions to the Cross River branch. In 1982, WLC succeeded its predecessor organization as landlord and has worked ever since to maintain the post office and our Waccabuc zip code. We are a community, not just a zip code.
Social Committee
Our beautiful wooded corner of Lewisboro is somewhat isolated. How do you get to know your neighbors in an area with 4-acre zoning and no sidewalks? You attend a WLC social event, of course! This committee organizes a variety of events year-round, including the Progressive Dinner following the Annual Meeting, the Dinner on the Lake, and specific events for children such as the Spring Egg Hunt and our Halloween Party.
Street Signs Committee
This committee maintains and/or replaces (when needed) our decorative wood road signs.
Trees Committee
The members of the tree committee work year-round to maintain our current allée along Mead Street, as well as other roads within WLC. Additionally, they are focused on planting new stock throughout our hamlet (since 2008, over 145 trees) to maintain our special country look.
Want to join a committee?
If you are already a WLC member and would like to join a committee, please contact a member of the Board or a Committee chair. Members can access a list of Board members and Committee chairs in the “Members Only” secure section (accessed only with a password).
If you would like to join a committee and you are not already a member, please send in your membership form that can be found here and fill out the section on the form where it asks if you would like to sign up for a committee.